Locations: (click to read reviews of this resort)


Not Included:

Dining: Almost every Village or ship has at least two restaurants. The main dining room, open for breakfast, lunch and dinner, proposes a huge selection of dishes at the lavish buffets; the cuisine varies every day. You�ll dine with up to seven other GM�s and GO�s. It�s a great, pressure-free way to meet new people. Most Villages also host one or more intimate specialty restaurants (Italian, seafood, continental…) that may serve buffets for late breakfast and/or lunch. When you make a dinner reservation in the morning, you can request a table for two or more. Usually, you order from the menu and dinner is served at the table.

Dress: What should I pack? Will I need to dress up in the evenings? Not really. Most Villages are very relaxed. Comfortable, casual clothes will fit the bill. Some guests do like to dress up in the evenings; and keep in mind that nights may be cooler than days. At Club Med�s Finest, dress is somewhat more elegant, especially for evening. Do pack appropriate sports attire, and when traveling to certain European Villages, remember to bring along a beach towel. You�re welcome to use Club Med�s sports equipment, or to bring your own. Pack essentials like glasses, medicines, valuables, money, etc. in your carry-on bag.

club_med.txt · Last modified: 2010/06/16 13:42 by
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