This dream was fairly fragmented. Ed and I were going to some big event at a big convention center or hotel. His Mom was there, as well as a lot of other family (I'm not sure if it was all his family or both of ours or what), but the event included a lavish buffet-style dinner on a cruise ship. I discovered at the last minute that I had nothing to wear (or maybe, just not anything good enough). Ed's Mom let me pick something of hers. She had all kinds of beautiful eveningwear to choose from. At the dinner I helped Ed's Mom navigate the huge lineup of food. I only remember one food in particular. It looked like slightly flattened egg rolls rolled in sesame seeds. I told Ed's Mom that Ed really liked those. I don't think Ed and I have ever eaten anything that looked like that, although it did look tasty.

dream_09-08-03.txt · Last modified: 2010/06/16 13:42 by
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