Clark: “I'll repeal the portions of the Bush tax cuts that benefit the wealthiest Americans – those making over $200,000 a year – and invest the money in priorities like job creation, healthcare and education. I do not believe in eliminating the tax cuts for hard working, middle class families.”

I have a plan that will save $2.35 trillion over ten years, reduce the deficit every year, and invest in real priorities.

Dean: The Bush tax cuts are a disaster; they've given us the worst deficits in our history. I will repeal all of them and start over, reforming our tax code so that it is fairer, doesn't punish hard work and doesn't subsidize corporations who harm our environment or export jobs.

Kerry: I will roll back Bush's tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans to invest in education and healthcare. I would not raise taxes on middle class families by reversing the increases in the child tax credit, the reduced marriage penalty, and the new 10 percent tax bracket.

Bush's irresponsible economic policies have borrowed from future generations. I will cut the deficit in half in my first term, while investing in economic growth and American workers.

Edwards: I will repeal the Bush tax cuts that benefit the top 2 percent of Americans. I will make permanent the tax cuts for the middle class and create tax credits to help low-income and middle-class Americans. I will make the wealthy pay the same taxes on their investments that regular people pay on their salaries.

economy_2004.txt · Last modified: 2010/06/16 13:42 by
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