Vote Julie for Lt. Governor! by dbreuer — last modified 2006-05-03 13:38

Had enough? Vote Green!

I have worked all my life to help people in their struggle for a better life. I currently work and volunteer in neighborhoods in Chicago and Oak Park and have been a volunteer for the West Cook County Municipal Conference. On Chicago's West Side, I bring people together to improve their neighborhoods and the quality of their lives, by planning public open space, and other community development projects. I help neighborhood organizations transform neglected vacant lots into gardens or small farms to improve nutrition and provide income.

In Oak Park I work on issues of environment, democracy and a responsive government, transportation and community preservation and development.

When I take office as the Leutenant Governor and as an Independent Green Candidate, I will represent the peoples' wishes in Illinois, not the wishes and goals of any political party. I will immediately do the following:

I will take the following campaign goals directly to the residents of Illinois for their input and work hard to make them reality when I take office:

julie_samuels.txt · Last modified: 2010/06/16 13:42 by
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