Security & Civil Liberties: Would you renew, repeal or amend the USA PATRIOT ACT?

John Kerry: I will replace the Patriot Act because the spirit of the law has been abused by the Ashcroft Justice Department. I'll scale back several provisions to assure our security doesn't come at the expense of our civil liberties. I'll keep effective provisions, like those that help cut off terrorist financing.

On Border Control

John Edwards: John Ashcroft has trampled on our rights and claimed unprecedented power. We need to rein in this attorney general. I will amend the Patriot Act to protect the basic rights of U.S. citizens, repeal provisions that do not work and make sure the public is better informed about how the Patriot Act is actually working.

I believe we need to reform the Patriot Act to:

Howard Dean: We must not undermine freedom in the name of freedom. I am troubled by elements of the Patriot Act that curtail our liberties, including provisions that grant the government broad investigative and surveillance powers and strip federal courts of traditional authority to curb executive branch abuses of power. Reconsideration of certain provisions is therefore warranted.

Wesley Clark: The PATRIOT Act was jammed through Congress without proper debate, and Attorney General John Ashcroft has used it to pursue investigations that have nothing to do with terrorism. I'll call on Congress to fully review each provision of the Act, study the ways each has been used, and eliminate provisions that threaten our civil liberties.

civil_liberties_2004.txt · Last modified: 2010/06/16 13:42 by
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