Affirmative Action: Clark is a strong proponent and supporter of affirmative action, diversity, and multiculturalism:

The Environment: Environmental protections appear to be part of Clark�s overall global and progressive vision for America.

Gays in the Military: “But essentially we�ve got a lot of gay people in the armed forces, always have had, always will have. And I think that, you know, we should welcome people that want to serve.” Meet The Press

Guns: Clark has implied that gun ownership is primarily a local issue. He also believes that assault weapons should be banned for the general public, stating, “people who like assault weapons they should join the United States Army, we have them.” (CNN's Crossfire, 06/25/03)

__Immigration:__  "We�re a nation of immigrants. We should be encouraging every person from the Indian Institute of Technology that comes to this country to stay in this country. Become an American citizen. Join with us. Make a great company. Let�s all be wealthy and prosperous and happy together. Immigration has a vital part to play in that process." (Source: New Democrat Network speech)

National Security, 9/11, and The Patriot Act: Clark is wary of trading off individual rights that allow the government to escape accountability. Clark supports a review of the Patriot Act to assess its effectiveness and potential damage to individual rights. He has also called for more accountability surrounding 9/11 so we know what went wrong and how to prevent these attacks in the future.

Taxes and the Economy: Clark favors a responsible and progressive taxation system that creates jobs and doesn�t put this country into ruinous financial shape with gaping deficits. Clark, who at one point taught economics at West Point, was against Bush�s tax changes because they don�t effectively create jobs, they are unfair, and they imperil our nation�s fiscal health.

Women�s Issues: Clark is a strong supporter of women�s rights. Bluntly stating on CNN's Crossfire “I am pro-choice.” He is pro-choice, supporting the rights of women to make these decisions outside of governmental regulation (Source � The American Prospect), and in the early 1980s, he proactively tackled spousal abuse as an army commander with a forward-thinking assessment of the demands of the modern family. (source - War in a Time of Peace, by David Halberstam)

wesley_clark.txt · Last modified: 2010/06/16 13:42 by
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