Role of U.S. Military : How, if at all, would you change U.S. troop deployment in Iraq?

Howard Dean: We need to reduce American force levels in Iraq by getting capable international troops (NATO) in and/or using adequately trained and vetted Iraqi security forces. To accomplish this, we must immediately begin working to repair our alliances and regain global support for American goals.

John Edwards: We need the right mix of forces to handle counter-insurgency and peace enforcement operations, including special forces, light infantry, and better intelligence. I would bring NATO into the effort immediately, with the goal to eventually placing NATO in charge of Iraq's security.

Wesley Clark: I would transform the military operation in Iraq into a NATO operation. With NATO support and U.N. endorsement, we can also get Arab countries in the region to step in. Their presence would prove that this is not an American occupation, but an international and regional effort to stabilize Iraq.

defense_2004.txt · Last modified: 2010/06/16 13:42 by
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