Gun Control: What changes would you propose in federal gun laws?

Wesley Clark: I am a gun owner and hunter, and I believe that law-abiding adults have the right to own firearms. But like all rights, gun rights come with responsibilities. We need responsible gun laws designed to keep guns out of the hands of criminals without unduly infringing the rights of legitimate gun owners.

Howard Dean: I favor reauthorization of the assault weapons ban before it expires at the end of 2004. I favor improving the Brady law so that the Insta-check system is used at gun shows to stop felons from buying guns. I oppose the pending bill to exempt the gun industry from liability.

I support the existing federal laws that prohibit felons and other dangerous people from purchasing guns. Specifically:

John Kerry: We need the courage to stand up for gun safety. As president, I'll require all handguns be sold with a child safety lock, close the gun show loophole, and support the ban on military-style assault weapons. Finally, I'll take steps to ensure our existing federal gun laws are vigorously enforced.

John Edwards: I support the Second Amendment right to bear arms. I also believe we must keep guns out of the hands of criminals, by enforcing existing gun laws, closing the gun show loophole, and extending the assault weapons ban. We also need to make sure police can work with communities to combat gun violence.

gun_control_2004.txt · Last modified: 2010/06/16 13:42 by
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