Iraq – Rebuilding: What should the U.S. role be in the political and economic rebuilding of Iraq?

John Edwards: We should rebuild Iraq with allies by our side, and with a real plan to win the peace. We should immediately take the American face off this occupation by giving civilian control to the United Nations; give the Iraqi people more control over their destinies; and seek allies for a larger security force in Iraq.

Howard Dean: The situation in Iraq will remain tenuous so long as the reconstruction and stabilization efforts have a “made in America” label on them. We need to transfer sovereignty to credible and legitimate Iraqi leaders as soon as feasible and encourage the UN to take responsibility for this political transition.

Wesley Clark: America must have a central role in building a secure, democratic Iraq that is not a threat to its neighbors or the world, and we have to stay the course until the jobs is done. But we must internationalize the effort and provide a meaningful role for the U.N. and friends around the world in not only the humanitarian mission, but the political and economic reconstruction as well.

John Kerry: The United States must work with our allies and we should put Iraqi governance and reconstruction under U.N. authority. I believe the U.S. should immediately put together a concrete plan for the transfer of power to the Iraqi people.

rebuilding_iraq_2004.txt · Last modified: 2010/06/16 13:42 by
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