Social Security: What changes would you consider in ensuring the long-term solvency of Social Security?

Wesley Clark: My commitment to Social Security will never waiver. As president I would work in a bipartisan way to save Social Security – not by ending it as we know it, but by putting it on sure financial footing. I will oppose any measures to increase the retirement age or replace Social Security's guaranteed benefits.

On Privatization

On the Retirement Age and Means Testing

John Edwards: I will protect Social Security by restoring responsible budgeting to Washington, ending the reckless tax cuts and wasteful spending that jeopardize Washington's ability to meet its commitments. I will repeal Bush's tax cuts on the very largest inherited estates and dedicate the revenue to Social Security, eliminating about one-fourth of the Social Security shortfall.

John Kerry: I'll fight to ensure that Social Security remains viable for generations to come. My economic plan puts the nation on track to cut the deficit in half in the first four years and I'll take Social Security off the table when balancing the budget. I oppose privatization.

On Privitization

On the Retirement Age

On Means Testing

Howard Dean: We need to protect the retirement security of all Americans. I will preserve social security and not privatize it. I will do what is necessary to ensure the long-term solvency of the Social Security system. Both raising the retirement age and cutting benefits are off the table.

social_security_2004.txt · Last modified: 2010/06/16 13:42 by
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