Trade Policy: To what extent should the U.S. participate in the WTO?

Howard Dean: Trade should improve the standard of living for Americans and our trading partners � and help create strong middle class democracies that will become long-term allies and markets for US goods and services. To accomplish this, we need enforceable labor and environmental standards in all existing and future trade agreements, including WTO and NAFTA.

John Kerry: I support continued negotiations with the WTO, but trade agreements shouldn't move forward without labor and environmental standards. We can be certain that such progress will not continue without American leadership and that the Bush administration will not insist on strong worker protections.

John Edwards: Trade can create jobs for Americans and improve lives overseas, but not every trade deal is right for America or the world. President Bush is pursuing trade policies that put global corporations first and hurt American workers. We need trade and tax policies that will create jobs in the United States.

Wesley Clark: I would promote trade – including continued American leadership within the WTO – while insisting that all nations play by the rules. We should review all of our existing trade agreements to ensure that our trading partners are living up to their agreements to open their markets to U.S. products.

trade_policy_2004.txt · Last modified: 2010/06/16 13:42 by
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